By Scott Unger • Of the News-Register • 

Berschauer legal fees to be reimbursed

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I hope NR covers "Chat with Chair". It might make interesting reading.


Berschauer, once again the unwitting victim. It would be interesting to know who the "independent" investigator was in this deal. The county has a history of using bought and paid for investigators who were very biased. BTW Lindsay, that shouldn't just apply to elected officials. There has been plenty of unfounded harassment from elected officials to employees as well. Reimbursement for legal fees should apply equally to all county staff.


Commissioner Berschauer led the way in harassing Yamco employees and causing them to quit their jobs. Why is the county now picking up the tab for her bad behavior? We will expect more from Commissioner King!


Mr Unger, could you follow up on this for us?
The agenda item says “Approval of a request for reimbursement and referral to review committee pursuant to BO 00-932.” Did the BOC actually approve reimbursement or did they refer the matter to the review committee? BO 00-932 is pretty clear as to what should happen and the title of the agenda item is misleading.

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