Armando Montemayor 1957 - 2024

It is with profound sadness that we share the passing of our Pops, Armando Montemayor, who left us this July at the age of 67. He was a man of immense pride and humor, cherishing every moment spent with his loved ones. His passion for his family, friends, military service, Dallas Cowboys, Los Dodgers, and his unwavering spirit will forever be remembered.
He is survived by his sons, Estevan and Charlie; daughter, Angela; and the entire Montemayor Familia, who will continue to honor his legacy by living their lives to the fullest.
Funeral Services will be held at St. James Cemetery 2699 Hwy 47 McMinnville, OR on Thursday Aug.1 @ 10:30 am.
Buford the 1st
I was a classmate of Armando all the way through school. I have very fond memories of him from Grade School on. He was always smiling & very fun to be around. Sincere sympathy sent to the Montemayer family. I am sorry for your loss.
Oh man I am so still very shocked and sad writing this. Before last year I had not seen Armando in about 49-50 years. I thought I had not seen Armando since 9th grade, but he told me last year that he went to high school here, my memory of this is time is for some reason blank. A few years back I had made a Bucket List in my mind of all the things I wanted to do before I die, and one of them was to see Armando again. I am sure most people have met a person in their life that even if it was for a brief time, this person made an impact on ones self, well Armando was that person to me. To make a long story short, Armando was my safety net back in 7th-8th? grade. I was the short little quarterback and Armando was my tall big receiver. I did not have a strong or accurate arm, but it seemed like every time I threw the ball Armando's way, he caught it, every single time. I remember just getting crushed by linemen and I would just throw the ball up in the general direction of Armando and here our teammates yell with joy as Armando would come down with another catch. It really was not Armando was such a great receiver that made an impact on my memory, but I remember his smile and kindness towards me and everyone else that stuck with me. Well that Bucket List I made was completed last year when he called me and we met on 3rd street on an outside table where I believe some of his family was present. I remember getting out of my car, walking towards a table and even after 50 years, recognizing him without a doubt, because of his smile. We talked for a bit, he told me where he had been and that maybe h was moving back to Mac permanently in the near future. We made a few more appts to meet, but life got in our way, but I never worried, because "we would probably have plenty of time to reminisce and see each other again!" Darn it to heck Armando, I so wish we could have had one more time together, the saying is true, "Only the good die young."
I know I talk too much, but wanted to say to Armando's family that I am so sorry for your loss, may Armando always Rest In Peace....