2025 First Baby: Little girl, big impact

She was the first baby born this year in Willamette Valley Medical Center, McMinnville, and the first child of her parents, Jose Coria and Hailey Smith.
“We’re so excited,” Coria said, rocking his tiny, swaddled daughter in a room in the hospital’s labor and delivery department.
“Scared and excited,” he said.
Smith added, “We have a lot to learn.”
“A big learning experience,” Coria said.
Weslie will be happy to teach them, when she awakens from her naps.
Her parents described Weslie as a very calm, not-too-fussy baby. Thus far.
They had been awaiting her arrival since May, when they found out Smith was pregnant. They’d been trying for a baby, Coria said, and were thrilled to learn that one was on the way.
“We’re so grateful,” they agreed.
They looked forward to her due date, Jan. 2. But when that day arrived, Smith said, she didn’t feel like it was time yet.
The next day, though, she did. She texted Coria at his workplace, TransPak in Tualatin, telling him she thought Weslie was on her way.
“I left work early,” Coria said.
The couple, who live near the Wheatland Ferry, drove to the McMinnville hospital – the same place Smith was born, on Sept. 4, 1997.
After 24 hours of labor, she gave birth to Weslie, who was 7 pounds, 2 ounces, and 20 inches long. Coria was at her side.
The nurses and other staff at WVMC were very supportive, they said. Hospital staff presented the couple with a gift basket of stuffed toys and baby gear to celebrate her first baby of the year status.
Tiny as she is, Weslie already has had a huge impact on her parents. Coria said, “I feel different … I have so much more responsibility now; it’s not just me, it’s my family.”
He and Smith said they plan to do their best to “make sure she grows up and becomes the best she can be.”
They want her to be healthy and happy, whatever she chooses to do in life.
“Hopefully, she’ll be a star,” Coria said, his gaze leaving no doubt that his daughter already is the brightest star in his world.
Right now, he said, “she just likes to be held.”
City of McMinnville
Congratulations !