Bladine: It's a news story too complex to tell
Often – more often than you might think – reporters hear compelling stories that are too complex or too time-consuming to pursue. Some such stories exceed staffing capacity; some lack any ...
Bladine: No voter-surprise with anti-vax stand
Health and Human Services Director Lindsey Manfrin anticipated quick action by the Yamhill County Commission when, on Oct. 7, she reported availability of an additional $68,700 in state funding for local ...
Bladine: Campaign database’ follows the money’
In an election year, Oregon’s most interesting database is the Secretary of State’s compilation of campaign finance activity for all candidates and ballot measures. That interest was most ...
Jeb Bladine: Tax time cometh, with abundant data
It’s almost property tax time. Tuesday, under the direction of Assessor and Tax Collector Derrick Wharff, Yamhill County will mail 46,600 tax statements seeking payment of $151.5 million from county ...
Jeb Bladine: Stiff drinks lead to stiff DUI penalties
We may live in “wine country,” but penalties for “driving under the influence of intoxicants” are the same here as throughout Oregon: Stiff! That one-word analysis is confirmed ...
Jeb Bladine: Local debate drawn to downtown hotels
Full disclosure: The writer has a financial interest in this subject. Our family and newspaper company own two of three Third Street buildings that developers propose to buy, tear down, and replace with ...
Jeb Bladine: Abortion rights rise in Oregon campaign
Quick: What group has the largest number of registered voters in Oregon? Hint: It’s a trick question. Remembering that the reference was “group,” not political party, you might name ...
Jeb Bladine: Cybercrime finds victims worldwide
Cybercrime, ranging from minor irritations to financial devastation, is rampant worldwide. Cybercriminals don’t know you, and wouldn’t care if they did. They are faceless, nameless scourges ...
Jeb Bladine: Important year at Linfield University
September begins an important school year for Linfield University, and in many ways for rekindling long-time ties between Linfield and the McMinnville community. We are reminded from Linfield’s website: “Linfield ...
Jeb Bladine: New reporter gets a happy reception
We didn’t throw a party when Scott Unger joined the News-Register reporting staff last week. But we thought about it. Unger, an experienced reporter, hit the newsroom floor running after a few deep-dives ...
Jeb Bladine: Locals enjoying event-rich August
August … What a month! Like June and July, August is fulfilling promises made when The Oregonian compiled a statewide calendar of summer events with this introduction: “Summer events have ...
Jeb Bladine: Jack Crabtree followed clear moral compass
Jack Crabtree, 62, died far too young. Graveside services Friday (today) will celebrate his memory and promise a new life – services I regrettably will miss. Were that different, I would be telling ...
Jeb Bladine: Too many jobs for too few candidates
America’s nationwide workforce crisis has triggered a mass waiting game. Businesses and institutions are challenged by the inability to find qualified employees to fill key positions. As a result, ...
Jeb Bladine: Law change allows working pensions
It’s Day 26 of 39 “Dog Days of Summer,” and America is sweltering from coast to coast. The sizzling heat wave finally moderated in the East but not in the Southwest; locally, people are ...
Back, and Forth: You don't need a mullet wig to enjoy the quirk around us
I’ve been thinking a lot about the strange and unusual around us — what you might call “quirk.” Quirk is both quicksilver and quotidian. It can pass in an instant or stand everyday ...