Letters to the editor: July 5, 2019
Closing the opportunity gap Yamhill County is facing an opportunity gap: More than 24% of Yamhill County children live in poverty, come from families where employment is unstable and/or lack access to ...
Letters to the editor: June 28, 2019
Single-payer the answer Thank you for your editorial on the lack of oversight in the senior care industry. It is one of the reasons I tell my kids: “Don’t grow old. There’s no future ...
Letters to the editor: June 21, 2019
School support gratifying The last few months have provided many examples of the commitment of members of our generous community to the success of students attending our schools. Individuals and ...
Letters to the editor: June 14, 2019
Gather up in arms of love Mr. Randy Johnson objects (Readers Forum of May 17) to an analogy I supposedly drew between economic conditions in 18th century London and 21st century McMinnville. The problem ...
Letters to the editor: June 7, 2019
News or opinion? Tom Henderson’s Viewpoints article, “A threat to the free Flow of information,” was lengthy and convoluted. I read the article three times to decipher its intent. If ...
Letters to the editor: May 31, 2019
Don’t demonize the patient The Oregon Health Authority has rescinded a directive to doctors that all patients receiving opioids for chronic pain conditions, such as back and neck pain, be tapered ...
Letters to the editor: May 24, 2019
Rubber stamp for staff? Having just completed my first participation in a contested zoning matter before the McMinnville Planning Commission, I am sharing my observations for those in a similar position ...
Letters to the editor: May 17, 2019
A headache in the making I have mixed feelings about an air show at our municipal airport. Would it bring revenue to our community? Absolutely! Would it be a fun three-day event? Absolutely! However, ...
Letters to the editor: May 10, 2019
A grateful patient Having read a recent letter critical of the Willamette Valley Medical Center, I felt I should write about my own recent experience, which was caring, professional and humane. In February, ...
Letters to the editor: May 3, 2019
Save our wetlands It was frustrating to read about the debate going on over the proposed developments along Baker Creek. I remember opposing all that w-a-a-a-y back, years ago, when it was a Jones development. The ...
Letters to the editor: April 26, 2019
Think Tank offers ideas Concerned as many of us are for our community’s increasing homeless crisis, members of the Yamhill County Democratic Think Tank discussed the issue at our April meeting and ...
Letters to the editor: April 19, 2019
Forsake the barbarism Thanks to the News Register for its April 4 editorial supporting SB 1013, which would limit death penalty cases to acts of terrorism. Thanks also to Rep. Ron Noble for supporting ...
Letters to the editor: April 12, 2019
Hard decision to make Thank you for bringing readers current facts, and potentialities, as to the possible need to expand low-income housing in McMinnville. (April 5 editorial, “Housing crisis is ...
Letters to the editor: April 5, 2019
Vaccination only way to go? Relative to the recent comment by Mr. Griffith about my credentials as an “unlicensed chiropractic doctor,” I submit the following for News-Register readers. I ...
Letters to the editor: March 29, 2019
No laughing matter I am a student at McMinnville High School. I wanted to bring to your attention the worry some students and parents have on school threats. High school kids do joke around about “shooting ...