Finn J.D. John

"Offbeat Oregon:" Unusual stories of historic Oregon ... suggestions welcomed.

Image: Oregon Historical Society##Downtown Heppner in the wake of the devastating 1903 flood. In the distance is the Palace Hotel, in which 200 townspeople took refuge.

Offbeat Oregon: The country’s deadliest natural flash flood happened in Heppner

On June 15, 1903, a strange little article appeared in the Portland Morning Oregonian. “It is reported that a tremendous cloudburst occurred at Heppner late in the afternoon,” the article ...

Image: USDA##A watercolor image of the Black Republican cultivar of cherries, created by William Henry Prestele in 1892 from a specimen in Newberg.

Offbeat Oregon: Bing cherries are a product of the Oregon Trail

When cherry season rolls around, there’s never much doubt about what varieties you’ll find in your local grocery store. They’ll usually have some white or blush cherries, typically Royal ...

Image: F.J.D. John##Boiler Bay as it appeared from the bluff above on a sunny summer afternoon in 2013.

Offbeat Oregon: Fiery, explosive shipwreck gave Boiler Bay its name

A mile or two north of the picturesque little Central Coast town of Depoe Bay, there’s a little unassuming wide spot at the side of Highway 101 where you can pull off the road and park. There are ...

Image: Bruce Fingerhood/Wikimedia Commons##The Wolf Creek Tavern as it appears from the front of the drive.

Offbeat Oregon: The state’s oldest hotel was a hideaway for Hollywood stars

There were times, during Hollywood’s golden age, when Clark Gable simply couldn’t be found anywhere. Studio executives would search frantically for the top-shelf star, needing to talk to him ...

##A still from the movie “The General,” in which Johnny Grey (Buster Keaton) climbs onto the cowcatcher on the front of his speeding locomotive to foil an attempt by bandits to rob his train.

Offbeat Oregon: The summer Buster Keaton made Cottage Grove a mini-Hollywood

If a Cottage Grove logger had been bonked on the head in January 1926, and woke up six months later, he would have scarcely recognized his home town. There was a whole new Main Street built way out east ...

Image: Creative Commons/Orygun##One of the city of Prineville Railway’s three locomotive engines.

Offbeat Oregon: Snubbed by railroads, Prineville built its own

Oregon, and the rest of the American West, is full of the ghosts of cities and towns killed by a railroad. Central Oregon’s third largest city, Prineville, almost became one of them. Prineville ...

Image: Salem Public Libraries##A representative of the helicopter-logging company Sky King stands next to his company’s brand-new 1959 Buick looking at an exhibit of an enormous old-growth log at the Centennial Exposition.

Offbeat Oregon: $2.6 million party highlighted Oregon’s ‘age of innocence’

One of the real privileges of being a lifelong Oregonian of a certain, er, vintage, is the opportunity to have seen this state in its golden age — roughly, 1946 through 1980 — through a child’s ...

Image: the Wonder Dog perches on the trunk of the Braziers’ Overland Red Bird touring car in Silverton.

Offbeat Oregon: Most famous Silverton resident wasn’t Clark Gable; it was a dog

Up until his untimely death from a fall in 1937, Rogue River Wilderness mountaineer and mule-train driver Hathaway Jones enjoyed a reputation as the “damnedest liar” in all the West Coast states ...

Oregon Historical Society##One of the original car-window stickers that was supplied to new members of the KGW Order of Hoot Owls.

Offbeat Oregon: ‘Hoot Owls’ show changed radio history nationwide

In the decade and a half before the Second World War, the radio business was the hottest ticket in American business. It made vast fortunes for business moguls, and considerable wealth for performers and ...

Image: Sannyas Wiki##A Buddhafield Transportation bus brings sannyasins to Rajneeshpuram past the marble welcome sign.

Offbeat Oregon: 'The Rolls-Royce Guru’ came to Oregon / Part 4, Unraveling

After the election, the new formerly homeless residents of Rajneeshpuram were the most pressing problem for Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh and his followers. They cost a lot of money to feed and house, and they ...

Image: Ted Quackenbush##The town of Antelope as it appeared in the summer of 1985, after the Rajneeshees had taken control.

Offbeat Oregon: ‘The Rolls-Royce Guru’ came to Oregon / Part 3, Occupation

In the courtyard at the Antelope Post Office today, there stands a large bronze plaque attached to the base of a flagpole. It reads, “Dedicated to those of this community who throughout the Rajneesh ...

Image: Oregon Historical Society##Lola Greene Baldwin in her office at the Portland YWCA, sometime in the 1890s.

Offbeat Oregon: Pioneering woman cop was Portland’s ‘municipal mother’

By the time Walt Disney Productions released “The Rescuers” in 1977, the idea of a “Rescue Aid Society” dedicated to the eradication of kidnapping felt quaint, old-fashioned and ...

##This postcard image from the 1920s shows the entrance to the Oregon State Penitentiary as it appeared during the 1925 breakout.

Offbeat Oregon: Bloody 1925 prison break ended badly for everyone

It was a typical balmy August evening at the Oregon State Penitentiary. The bell had rung for supper, so inmates were streaming out of their cells and heading toward the dining hall for the evening meal, ...

Image: Oregonian##William Rector and Charles Montgomery as they appeared in court during their trial.

Offbeat Oregon: Body-snatchers planned to hold ex-mayor’s corpse for ransom

The 19th century was a kind of golden age of body snatching. Digging up the freshly dead to cash the corpses in at the back door of a nearby medical school was — well, not common exactly, but far ...

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