
Letters to the Editor: Nov. 6, 2015

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Don Dix

Marvin Horton wrote (about legalization of marijuana) -- "Quality of life doesn’t improve for users ..."

Ask the patients who are going through chemotherapy & radiation -- the procedure can result in weight loss (stable weight is optimal). Marijuana (in some strains) will increase appetite, thus aiding a stable weight in patients. Other strains can ease pain, allowing the patient to rest comfortably.

I have witnessed the benefits first hand, in more than just one instance. Parroting the federal government 'line' which isn't based on fact, but on protecting DEA's (and others) right to arrest, prosecute, and incarcerate the offenders is disingenuous. Think about how many officers, jails, prosecutors, court employees, prisons, and rehab facilities could focus on more important issues.

In this age of instant information, why not compare the federal government's stance with reality. The truth is always available to those who wish to seek it.


Marvin Horton says, “Recreational use” has been going on for decades with debilitating results, but laws and limited access were a deterrent for many, so we aren’t creating a new class of dysfunctional people by allowing these businesses."

Prohibition has resulted in the arrest and incarceration of our family members, friends and neighbors at the expense of the taxpayer...and, for what?...the use of something that is way less harmful than alcohol? Marijuana has many medicinal qualities and more are being discovered everyday. Doctors are prescribing marijuana for cancer patients with pain and nausea, veterans with PTSD, seizures, nerve pain, insomnia, headaches, Crohn's disease, chronic pain and more. The legalization of marijuana doesn't mean the sky is falling.

Horse with no name

Dear Mr. Horton, Relax everything will be OK. The 7-11 has more harmful products in it than a marijuana store. My goodness those little quick stop and shop stores are close to schools, daycare businesses, why my parents even sent me into them to purchase things they couldn't get to it when we were young. Lucky for me they didn't sell booze or cigarettes to minors. Imagine me looking through the glass cooler doors at the forbidden goods, Budwiser, Coors, at check counter the cowboy on a horse Marlboro's, wow there are so many, couldn't wait till I was old enough to try 'em out. They would sell me all the junk food I could purchase, I could catch up later on booze and cigarettes because I knew exactly what I was wanting from the wonderful marketing of those products in the store. There's a lot of danger for your friends and family that hasn't yet caused the fall of civilization. Taxing and controlling marijuana while taking it out of the criminal enterprise system is as good for us as it was when alcohol was removed from prohibition.

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