
Letters to the Editor: Dec. 18, 2015

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Scott - its always easier to play the tough guy when someone else's kid is on the front line. Want war? Then put on your uniform or be willing to send your own kid into battle. War should be the last choice and only after all other options have been exhausted or failed.

Don Dix

Scott writes --
"Supposedly serious candidates are almost writing scripts for ISIS recruiting videos." Have you been channeling Hilary?


No let's just keeping going like we are, allowing terrorists into the country because they are just innocent immigrants,until they blow up or mow down innocent americans,then it's just work place violence,ignorance will not save this country,carpet bombing until the sand glows red is a start,closing the borders both of them and putting any and all potential immigrants under a magnifying glass is a start,deporting anyone that after gaining access to this country that displays any anti american sentiments,deport anyone from any country that refuses to assimilate into american culture,LEARN ENGLISH!only american law and it's Constitution is and will be recognized,absolutely no sharia law,with the apologist and cowardly wimp we have now and the pathological criminal liar hillary that believes the Whitehouse is her right,this country has no where to go but down and out.


listen*up- You want to deport anyone who doesn't learn English? You want everyone who comes to our country to be "assimilate into American culture", are you the'Borg' from Star Trek? Why are you paranoid about Sharia law taking over our legal system? Most of your other comments show it's pretty obvious you listen to too much nutcase radio. Before you close all our boarders to the 'dangerous immigrants', what about the crazed, survivalist, white supremacist crowd, ooopps...maybe that's too many of your friends?


yamhillbilly2, i don't listen to radio,sorry,but yes i expect if you come here to learn english,i expect immigrants not to lie on their applications to get here and then murder innocent people,and yes close the borders and scrutinize more closely people wanting to come here.and yes if you don't want to assimilate you are out!And we have one law! American law,anyone promoting sharia in this country is a traitor!oh and i don't watch star trek,i am an adult,sorry but if i wanted crazy friends i'd join the democratic party,as for white supremacists,they serve no purpose at all. you obviously don't care about America at all.

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