By Paul Daquilante • Staff Writer • 

Gun incident lands McMinnville man in jail

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Sheesh. I want this guy's lawyer on retainer. He's a freaking magician.


I had to read this more than once, thought for SURE my eyes were playing tricks on me. 4 DAYS? FOUR????

Bill B

These are standard operating procedures for the District Attorney's office; plea bargain everything! And the judiciary hands out what appears to me to be very lenient sentences. Past comments by the NR editor indicate that judges are limited in their ability to hand out stiffer penalties and that our jails are too full for longer sentences.


Abraham Hanson has gained a reputation for representing the dregs of this county. But, guess what? Baltic and Mediterranean avenues have consistently racked in more money than toney Park Place and Boardwalk.


Ah, Yamhill County “Justice System” in action again.

Simply disgusting.


Four days and....did they let him keep his guns?


No felony charges....probably gets to keep them....

Paul Daquilante

Mudstump / tagup:

He forfeited the weapon as part of his probationary terms.

Paul Daquilante / reporter


Brad Berry, "Tough on Crime"!!



Forfeiture of one firearm doesn’t mean he can’t buy more in the future.

Are you implying that because he gave up the one firearm used in the commission of this crime, that he is legally barred from owing firearms in the future?

I would think he could, as apparently he wasn’t charged with a felony.

Which is ridiculous, but hey, this is Yamhill County.

Where criminals routinely skirt justice.

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