By Ossie Bladine • Editor • 

Commissioners scheduled to award chip seal contract

Yamhill County Commissioners this week will vote on a contract for the annual chip-sealing road projects, to Sierra Santa Fe Corporation, for $917,770.

Commissioners will meet at 10 a.m. Thursday, May 2, in room 32 of the Yamhill County Courthouse, 535 N.E. Fifth St.

The public may attend in person or by Zoom, or watch the meeting livestreamed on YouTube. The Zoom link is embedded in the agenda online; the agenda, meeting packet and links to YouTube and an audio recording are located on the county’s meetings webpage at

Commissioners spent Monday and will spend Tuesday and Wednesday in budget committee meetings in room 32, available to attend in person or by Zoom or YouTube livestream, at

Commissioners will consider requests to authorize HHS Director Lindsey Manfrin to apply for $95,000 in funding from Yamhill Community Care for community prevention and wellness, and to apply for $150,000 in funding from Oregon Health Authority Infrastructure and Support and Modernization Funding.

They will consider a request to authorize Community Justice Director Jessica Beach to apply for $173,596 in funding from the Criminal Justice Commission.

Commissioners will consider approving a Memorandum of Understanding with the Oregon Department of Corrections for a pilot program on new standards for supervising people on parole and probation, mandated by the state Legislature. The program will evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of the new standards. It also will protect counties from repercussions for failing to meet the new standards during the two-year evaluation period.


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