By Nicole Montesano • Staff Writer • 

Commissioners discuss foreclosed properties

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Wow, I just learned something I didn't know before. I think it's pretty outrageous that if someone owes, for example, $10,000 in property tax and the county sells the property for $200,000...the county keeps the entire amount and not just the taxes owed plus costs. They say there is a first time for everything and it's rare that I agree with Mary Starrett, but I do on this one.



I agree. I can count on one hand the amount of times I agree with Starrett, but this seems like a ciitizen rip off at the hands of the government. A government who already receives massive amounts of tax dollars.


What about the liability of doing this? What if the owner of the foreclosed property has died? What are the legal liabilities of returning these funds? Does it open the County up for lawsuits if the previous owners feel as though the property was undersold? This idea sounds nice, but the administrative reality may be problematic.

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