Garden & Yard

TRI BARK Red fir and hemlock barkdust available. 503-550-8911

MEALUE LANDSCAPING LAWN MAINTENANCE Mowing, edging, trimming, general clean-ups . For free estimates, call Danny 971-287-4084

Miscellaneous Wanted

BUYING CAR/TRUCK BATTERIES .07 cents/pound Gale's Towing 503-474-9334

SENIOR WANTS TO BUY OLDER JEWELRY for projects. Pieces can be broken. 503-434-0768 or

I BUY VINTAGE CAMERAS. Leica, Nikon, Speed Graphic, Graflex and lenses. Contact Rusty at 206-669-2400.

DONATE YOUR VEHICLE RUNNING OR NOT OR WRECKED To McMinnville Fire District. Tax donation. For more information, call 503-434-9000 M-F 8-5PM.

Free Stuff

BLACK/WHITE 4 MONTH KITTEN. Sweet disposition, needs loving home. 503-435-0471