Legal Notice

PUBLIC NOTICE Your Space Storage 1500 NE Lafayette Ave McMinnville, OR 97128 503-472-2986

Will hold a unit auction on Friday, March 28 at 1pm Bonds, Edith J119 Chulik, Stephanie L015 Coffman, Heather F098 Cosme, Damian A326 Foster, Tracy O026 Gibson, Aletha J125 Hansen, Scott C038 Hubbard, Rick E061 Mariano, Stefanie H095 Merrill, Keri H052 Merrill, Keri J132 Ravia Coburn, Julie E059 Tabor, Dennis A054 Taylor, Devon R032 Tombleson, Carise T029 Wennerstrom, Amber R007 NR Published March 14, 21, 2025

NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS In the Circuit Court for the State of Oregon For the County of Yamhill Probate Department Case No. 25PB02097

In the Matter of the Estate of James Albert Vannice, Deceased Notice is hereby given that Beverly J. Wood was appointed personal representative of the above estate. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them to the personal representative in care of 5 Centerpointe Dr., Suite 240, Lake Oswego, OR 97035-8682, within four months after the date of publication of this notice to the personal representative at the address designed in this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceeding may obtain additional information from the records of the Court, the personal representative, or the attorney for the personal representative. Beverly J. Wood, Personal Representative Russell R. Kilkenny, OSB 752071 Scarborough, McNeese, Oelke & Kilkenny, PC Attorneys for Personal Representative 5 Centerpointe Dr., Suite 240 Lake Oswego, OR 97035 Phone (503) 601-3698 NR Published March 21, 2025


In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Yamhill, Probate Department. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that KEVIN B. AYERS has been appointed as the personal representative of the above estate. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them to the personal representative at the address of the attorney for the personal representative at P O Box 5734, Vancouver, Washington 98668, within in four months after the date of the first publication of this notice, as stated below, or such claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings in this estate may obtain additional information from the records of the Court, the personal representative or the attorney for the personal representative. Dated: March 21, 2025 PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE: KEVIN B. AYERS 4109 W. Park Street Pasco, WA 99301 (509) 528-1088 ATTORNEY: DAVID R. DUNCAN P O Box 5734 Vancouver, Washington 98668 (360) 606-8144 NR Published March 21, 2025


The City of McMinnville, a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon, acting by and through its Water and Light Commission (McMinnville Water and Light or MW&L) will be receiving sealed written proposals from Construction Manager/General Contractor firms for the Office Expansion/Remodel and Warehouse Seismic Retrofit Project until proposal closing on April 8, 2025 at 2:00 PM local time, late proposals will not be accepted. Proposals shall be delivered to McMinnville Water & Light, 855 NE Marsh Lane (PO Box 638), McMinnville, OR 97128 and clearly marked “MW&L – RFP Construction Manager/General Contractor for OFFICE EXPANSION / REMODEL & WAREHOUSE SEISMIC RETROFIT”. A mandatory pre-proposal meeting will be held on March 27, 2025 at 10:00 am local time at McMinnville Water and Light’s headquarters located at 855 NE Marsh Lane, McMinnville, OR 97128. The project scope includes planning, consultation, construction, and site work for Phases 0.5 and 1.0 of the MW&L’s Campus Master Plan. Phase 0.5 includes: 1. Improvements to the western portion of the MW&L service yard to enhance stormwater drainage. 2. Relocation of the existing MW&L Transformer Yard to the northwest corner of the site with secondary containment measures. 3. Seismic strengthening of the existing MW&L Warehouse building to meet ASCE Risk Category IV standards for immediate occupancy. At MW&L’s Option: an18,000 SF Warehouse addition as part of the seismic strengthening of the warehouse. This accelerates part of a future construction phase into Phase 0.5. 4. Frontage improvements per city requirements. Phase 1 includes: 1. Construction of new additions to the existing office building: a. A 7,700 SF, one-story addition to the east of the existing office building, housing offices, a conference room, and a multi-purpose space. This addition will be designed to meet Immediate Occupancy (Seismic Risk Category IV) seismic performance standards. b. A 2,700 SF, one-story addition to the west of the existing office building for additional office space. This addition will also be designed to meet Immediate Occupancy (Seismic Risk Category IV) seismic performance standards. 2. Remodel and seismic strengthening of the existing office building (8,700 SF) to meet Immediate Occupancy (Seismic Risk Category IV) seismic performance standards. 3. New public and secure employee parking lots, including landscaping, lighting, irrigation, and wayfinding improvements. All phases will be constructed while the facility remains in continuous operation, with public-serving functions, including temporary public access to the site for activities such as bill payments, commission meetings, and public hearings. This RFP is for a public works subject to prevailing wage requirements specified in ORS 279C.800 to 279C.875. The RFP document can be obtained from MW&L’s Purchasing Manager, Chad Hudson at or can be downloaded at Addenda will be emailed to proposers on the plan holders list and will be posted at the link above. All questions shall be directed to McMinnville Water & Light may reject any proposal not in compliance with the contract provisions and all prescribed Public Contracting procedures and requirements and may reject for good cause all proposals after finding that doing so is in the public interest. MW&L also reserves the right to waive informalities in a proposal submission if in best interest of McMinnville Water & Light. NR Published March 19, 21, 2025


Pursuant to ORS 477.250, notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held at the Oregon Department of Forestry, Forest Grove District Office, 801 Gales Creek Road, in Forest Grove, Oregon, on Tuesday, April 1st, 2025, at 3:00pm, to receive from any interested persons suggestions, advice, objections or remonstrance’s to the proposed budget for the forest protection district. A copy of the tentative budget for the Forest Protection District may be inspected during normal working hours. To ensure the broadest range of services to individuals with disabilities, persons with disabilities requiring special arrangements should contact Eric Perkins, at (503) 784-2865 or by email at at least two working days in advance of the scheduled hearing OREGON DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY KATE SKINNER, INTERIM STATE FORESTER NR Published March 14, 21, 2025


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on April 14th, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. the Sheridan Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at Sheridan City Hall, 120 S.W. Mill Street, Sheridan, OR. The public hearing will be in-person and available to other participants via Zoom or by telephone. Please contact City Planner, Liam F. Bean, for copies of the meeting Zoom invitation. Details regarding the application are included below: The public hearing shall be for local planning file LA-25-001, a legislative amendment to Sections 16.280 and 16.548 of the Sheridan Development Code. The purpose of the amendment is to adopt the FEMA Region 10 Model Ordinance Preliminary Implementation Compliance Measure, ensuring continued compliance with the 2016 publication “Biological Opinion on the Implementation of the National Flood Insurance Program in the State of Oregon”. The amendment will also include some quality-of-life improvements and additions clarifying language to the floodplain development application procedures and requirements. Legislative amendment approval shall meet the applicable standards of the Sheridan Development Code (SDC), Section 16.524.040 – “Approval criteria”, as well as all statewide planning goals and compliance with applicable policies of the Sheridan Comprehensive Plan. The full text of the Sheridan Development Code is available online at: or can be viewed at City of Sheridan City Hall for no cost. Interested people are invited to speak or provide written testimony at the public hearing or to comment in writing to the City of Sheridan prior to the public hearing. Written comments should include the file number (LA-25-001), your name, mailing address, and e-mail address or phone number. Comments can be submitted to the City Planner via e-mail to, or delivered by hand or via regular mail to Liam F. Bean, 120 SW Mill St, Sheridan, OR 97378. The hearing will be opened with a staff report, followed by public testimony and rebuttal. The time length of oral testimony may be limited. Then the hearing will be closed, and the Planning Commission will deliberate a recommendation to the City Council. Copies of the file may be viewed at no cost, and paper copies can be provided for a reasonable cost. If you have any questions regarding this application, you may contact the City Planner, Liam F. Bean, directly via e-mail, or by phone at (503) 540-1612. News-Register: Publish Friday, March 21, 2025 Yvonne Hamilton City Recorder NR Published March 21, 2025


In the Matter of the Estate of DEREK IVOR GOAD, Deceased. Case No. 25PB01288 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them, with vouchers attached, to the undersigned personal representative at 413 SE Border Lane, McMinnville, Oregon 97128, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the Court, the Personal Representative, or the lawyer for the personal representative, Carol J. Fredrick. Dated this 20th day of February 2025. s/ Graham L Goad Personal Representative PETITIONER: Graham L Goad 413 SE Border Lane McMinnville OR 97128 Phone (971) 237-1015 LAWYER FOR PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE: Carol J Fredrick OSB #883705 2046 NE Hwy 99W, Suite D McMinnville, OR 97128 (503) 435-1455 NR Published March 21, 28 April 4, 2025

TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF SALE (Non-residential Trust Deed)

The trust deed to be foreclosed pursuant to Oregon law is referred to as follows (the "Trust Deed"): Grantor: Fox Farm Resort, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company Original Trustee: Chicago Title of Oregon Beneficiary: Avatar Dundee Hills, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company Date: February 21, 2024 Recording Date: February 21, 2024 County of Recording: Yamhill County, Oregon Recording Reference: 2024-01364 The Trust Deed covers the following described real property in the County of Yamhill and State of Oregon, ("the Property"): Parcel 1 of partition Plat No 2021-11, recorded as Instrument No. 2021-05361, in the City of Dundee, County of Yamhill, and State of Oregon. The property is more commonly known as: 9750 NE Fox Farm Rd., Dundee, OR 97115. Beneficiary appointed Gary L. Blacklidge, Esq., Jordan Ramis PC, 1211 SW Fifth Ave. FL 27, Portland, OR 97204, as Successor Trustee, to have all the powers of the Original Trustee by appointment recorded on December 10, 2024, in Yamhill County recording reference 2024-11279. The Grantor or other person owing the debt has defaulted as provided under the Trust Deed, and such default allows the Beneficiary to foreclose the Trust Deed and sell the Property to satisfy the obligations secured by the Trust Deed. The defaults for which foreclosure is permitted are the Grantor's failure to pay the interest-only payments due November 1 and December 1, 2024, and also allowing liens to attach to the Property for labor and materials. By reason of the default, the Beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation secured by the Trust Deed immediately due and payable as follows: Principal Balance: $5,800,000.00 Interest (10/01/2024 to 12/10/2024): $ 135,220.40 Default Interest (11/01/2024 to 12/10/2024): $ 62,833.29 Due in Full Fee: $ 580,000.00 Service Fees ($500 per month): $ 1,000.00 Grantor’s Reserve Balance: ($46,063.50) TOTAL BALANCE DUE AS OF 12/10/2024: $6,532,990.19 Per diem interest is: $1,931.72 Default per diem interest is: $1,611.11


The Trustee will on May 7, 2025 at the hour of 11:00 A.M., on the front steps of the Yamhill County Courthouse, 535 NE 5th St., McMinnville, OR 97128, State of Oregon,
sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the Property which the Grantor had or had power to convey at the time of the execution by Grantor of the Trust Deed, together with any interest which the Grantor acquired after the execution of the Trust Deed, to satisfy the obligations hereby secured and the costs, attorney fees and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the Trustee.


The right exists for any person named under ORS 86.778, at any time that is not later than five days before the date last set for the sale, to have this foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the Trust Deed reinstated by doing all of the following: 1. Paying to the Beneficiary the entire amount then due (other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due, had no default occurred); 2. Curing any other default that is capable of being cured by tendering the performance required under the Trust Deed; and 3. Paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the debt and Trust Deed, together with Trustee's and attorney's fees not exceeding the amounts provided by ORS 86.778. Without limiting the trustee’s disclaimer of representations or warranties, Oregon law requires the trustee to state in this notice that some residential property sold at a trustee’s sale may have been used in manufacturing methamphetamines, the chemical components of which are known to be toxic. Prospective purchasers of residential property should be aware of this potential danger before deciding to place a bid for this property at the trustee’s sale. In construing this notice, the singular includes the plural, the word "Grantor" includes any successor in interest to the Grantor as well as any other person owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by the Trust Deed, and the words "Trustee" and "Beneficiary" include their respective successors in interest, if any. DATED: December 30, 2024 By: s/ Gary L. Blacklidge, Successor Trustee Jordan Ramis PC 1211 SW Fifth Ave. FL 27 Portland, OR 97204 Telephone: 503-598-7070 Fax: 503-598-7373 NR Published March 7, 14, 21, 28, 2025


CITY OF CARLTON DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT CITY CASE FILE LA 2025-01 Chapter 17.96 – Accessory Structures NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Carlton will hold public hearings to consider adoption of proposed legislative amendments to the Carlton Development Code, specific to Chapter 17.96, titled Accessory Structures. Generally, the amendment proposal is intended to reduce complexity and ambiguity observed to current code provisions. Carlton Planning Commission conducts the first public hearing on April 14, 2025, at 6:00p.m. and will forward a recommendation of action to the City Council that will conduct the second public hearing on May 6, 2025, at 7:00p.m. Both hearings will be held at the Carlton Civic Center Building, addressed at 191 E. Main St., Carlton, OR 97111. Proposed changes to Chapter 17.96 are available for inspection at city offices, addressed at 191 E. Main Street, or may be purchased at a reasonable cost. Electronic version of proposed changes to Chapter 17.96 is also posted on the city website at: Persons wishing to participate in the public hearings may appear in person or by representative at the dates and times listed above, or virtually (meeting agendas include a Zoom link for this purpose). The legislative amendment procedure is described in Section 17.212.020 of the Carlton Development Code and subject to procedures identified in OAR 660-018-002. Failure to raise an issue at the hearing, in person or in writing, or failure to provide sufficient specificity to afford the City Council an opportunity to respond to the issue precludes appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals. For more information, please contact Aimee Amerson at / 503-852-3808. NR Published March 21, 2025

PUBLIC NOTICE McMinnville Self-Stor 2600 NE Lafayette Ave McMinnville, OR 97128 503-472-561

The following units will be sold at Public Auction Starting April 1, 2025, at 9:00am Ending April 8, 2025, at 9:00am for non-payment of rent and other fees. Auction to be pursuant to Auction Rules and Procedures for Truax Holdings. Rules are available at the facility office. All bidding will take place ONLINE at Unit #B191 Randy Rodrigues Unit #C214 Melissa Dennis NR Published March 10, 21, 2025


PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following applications have been approved by the Yamhill County Department of Planning and Development: DOCKET CTS-04-25, a request by Joyce Kirk to change the existing temporary hardship caregiver to Linda Olsen, a relative of the existing resident Joyce Kirk who is receiving the care. The parcel is identified as Tax Lot 6801-3700 and is located at 25401 SW Grand Ronde Rd, Grand Ronde. This application was reviewed based on criteria in Sections 502.03(A) and 1202.02 of the Yamhill County Zoning Ordinance. DOCKET E-02-25, a request by Remy Drabkin to host a single event on June 29, 2025, on tax Lot 4309-200 located at 17495 NE McDougall Rd, Dayton. This application was reviewed based on criteria in Sections 402.02(x) and 1013.01(A)(3) of the Yamhill County Zoning Ordinance and Oregon Revised Statute 215.296. DOCKET L-08-25, a request by Sweet Pea Farms LLC and Carlton Nursery Company LLC for approval of a property line adjustment to transfer approximately 16.5-acres from Tax Lot 5305-00702 (60.33-acres) to Tax Lot 5305-00900 (52.1-acres), and to transfer an additional 21.6-acres from Tax Lot 5305-00702 to Tax Lot 5305-01300 (105.7-acres). These transfers will result in parcels of approximately 67.7-acres for Tax Lot 5305-00900, and 22.1-acres for Tax Lot 5305-00702, and 127.3-acres for Tax Lot 5305-01300. The parcels are located at 13520 SE Kimsey Rd, Dayton. This application was reviewed based on criteria in Section 402.09(B.2) of the Yamhill County Zoning Ordinance and the Yamhill County Land Division Ordinance. Interested persons may appeal these decisions by 5 p.m., April 7, 2025. An appeal must state the basis for the appeal and must be accompanied by a $250.00 filing fee. Dated March 21, 2025, by Ken Friday, Planning Director. NR Published March 21, 2025


PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following application is being reviewed by the Yamhill County Department of Planning and Development: DOCKET C-05-25, a request by Fabio Schiattarella for conditional use approval for the operation of a three-guestroom bed and breakfast that will be operated in the existing home. The parcel is identified as Tax Lot 2428-3900 and is located at 21423 NW Bishop-Scott Rd, Yamhill. This application is being reviewed based on criteria in Sections 402.04(I), 402.07(A), 1004.01, and 1012 of the Yamhill County Zoning Ordinance. Interested persons may respond in writing by 5 p.m., April 7, 2025, to comment on, or to request the above application be considered at a public hearing. A request for a hearing must state the basis for the appeal and must be accompanied by a $250 fee for each request. Dated March 21, 2025, by Ken Friday, Planning Director. NR Published March 21, 2025