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The News-Register and NewsRegister.com are owned and operated by News-Register Publishing Co., P.O. Box 727, McMinnville, OR 97128.
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Move in the right direction!
How about we cancel the entire aquatics entirely?
More & better parks - YES. Fancy new swimming pool? - no.
The city dares to approach the taxpayer with a new bond?
Don't forget the unconscionable W&L fee.
And the unconscionable $1.50/K property tax.
Both must be suspended.
And the taxpayers made whole for those wrongful taxes.
Call that the city's litmus test.
Would the city dare to hold an election on those unconscionable taxes?
So far, the answer to THAT question is "No."
While we're waiting, we can claw back at those ongoing financial injuries by refusing to support new bonds, fees, taxes, etc., such as this rec bond plan. And if the city continues to fail & refuse to comply with its litmus test: ALL incumbents can be voted out. Such is our duty as responsible citizens. And bear in mind that those injuries are real, traceable to the city, and redressable by a monetary judgment.
Suppose there is a real emergency? Where is the elasticity in ability to pay taxes / fees?
I am so thankful for council members who are looking out for our best interests in being financially conservative. This is a hugely overpriced project and we have so many genuine needs that should come first or at least get addressed. Please don’t move ahead on this as it stands now. Bigger is not always best.
Part 1
The city needs to consider financial reality for many McMinnville citizens. I am tired of being taxed and fee-d. Consider some of the shenanigans in recent years:
We have a really bad taste in our mouths from the “User fee” on the utility bills. This fee was started in January 2023 to retire a $1.8 million shortfall. They are still collecting the fee though they have now collected more than $3.6 million. In other words- they’ve collected enough to pay the shortfall back TWICE. And then to add insult to injury, the fee went up this month!
Then we have the fire district bond. When it was being voted on, the city used some fancy wordsmithing to deliberately mislead us into voting for the fire district. It was a way for them to not only get a new fire department, but also continue to charge citizens for it. DECEPTION!
The city stated last year that they would need to add an additional permanent fee for the stormwater system. (yet to come)
Part 2
Initial plans for the new rec center call for higher user fees for citizens, The proposed annual family pass for residents will increase from $500 to $1200. That’s a 140% increase! Annual adult pass goes from $333 to $690. That’s an increase of 107%!
If the full bond passes, the average tax burden will increase. In a May 31, 2024 News-Register article, Susan Muir estimated a bond at $152 million, which would cost an additional $2.52 per $1000 assessed property value, costing $54 PER MONTH for the average McMinnville homeowner. Ask yourself- just how many households will be able to afford the new fees PLUS the tax burden.
American households need $11,000 more per year to maintain same standard of living as 3 years ago.
The proposed rec center bond, which combines the community center, pool, library and senior center and the price tag is too high. As Dan Tucholsky said: “When you’re building a house, you don’t always get that house that you dream of, you get the house you can afford.”
Anyone else think we (the city) might rely a little too much on consultants?
On fixed income will not vote for any of it!
All comments spot on! Please email your city council person and express these concerns! Or better yet, come to the council meetings and give public comment about these legitimate concerns. Thank you all!
"All comments spot on! Please email your city council person and express these concerns! Or better yet, come to the council meetings and give public comment about these legitimate concerns. Thank you all!"
Excellent comment.
One way to e-mail concerns is simply to forward this N-R article with comments.
As things stand:
No new bonds, taxes, fees, etc. should be approved by voters - none.
Furthermore, ALL city incumbents should be voted out.
And that's how it should stand until, at a minimum, the above-mentioned unconscionable fees & taxes are suspended, and the taxpayers made whole by fully refunding all of the now millions of dollars in unapproved fees & taxes.
Again, those injuries are injuries in fact, traceable to the city, and redressable by monetary judgment. The injuries & traceability are in the record. Prima facie the court would have subject matter jurisdiction, which is to say, the injured would have standing to sue.
Finally, there is the question of interest in making the taxpayer whole.
Imagine a young couple with a 30 y mortgage. They intended to make an extra $1,000 payment but were unable to because of the subject unconscionable fees & taxes. That implies an additional $1,000 earning compound interest against them for some 30 y. Therefore, being made whole now implies being paid interest on these injuries. Something like 12% simple interest seems more than fair.
Interest addendum:
"Something like 12% simple interest seems more than fair."
That means simple interest at the rate of 12% per year.
Pro-rated to the date of each injury.
Intended to be fair to both taxpayer and city.
Interest is a way of compensating the taxpayer for past loss of money for any purpose. For example, paying other debts, investment in stocks & bonds, taking a family vacation, and so on.
That’s some nice word salad.
The taxes you wish refunded are part of a voter approved levy. The W&L service charge fees were set by a board with the authority given by the city charter. There was no breach of duty, no negligence or misconduct. So unless you aim to overturn the results of an election or dispute the validity of the city charter, your case will likely end pretty quickly.
it doesn't matter. Soon, you'll all be singing the Canadian national anthem anyway....with free healthcare and gorgeous parks.
1.Assume the McMinnville Tax Code Rate authority is $5.9102.
With $2 for the new fire district, how close are we to $5.9102?
And how close if the proposed rec plan bond were to pass?
2. Is the city using fees as a dodge around its $5.9102 tax authority?
At least the Canadian National Anthem has a melody.
City of McMinnville 2023 – 2024 Budget Message
"The total proposed City tax rate for FY2023-24 is estimated to be $4.4561 per $1,000 of assessed value ($5.02 permanent rate minus $1.50 held back in year 1 of the new Fire District plus $0.9361 debt service tax rate), compared to $5.9235 ($5.02 permanent rate plus $0.9035 debt service estimated tax rate) in FY2022-23, an increase of 0.55%."
Allow for some uncertainty in the precise figures. Then what follows accurately shows that there was little to no margin for a real emergency, never mind the originally proposed $152.5 million rec center bond:
Assume McMinnville's Tax Code Rate authority is $5.9102.
1. With the full $1.50 from the old fire district
$4.4561 + $1.50 = $5.9561
Which would put the city slightly in excess of its authority.
2. What if the proposed rec plan bond were to pass?
Tax rate for rec plan bond is some $2.52.
Poll shows 52% support for rec center bond measure
The proposed bond alone would blow through the city's authority
$4.4561 + $2.52 = $6.9761
Adding back the $1.50
$4.4561 + $2.52 + $1.50 = $8.4761
Which far exceeds the city's tax authority.
If McMinnville water and light is an arm of he city of McMinnville, then why are we offering to buy 27 acres from them for three million taxpayer dollars? If the city is not a part of water and light then how do they charge a 13 dollar fee on water and light bills?
DOGE 'em!
"If McMinnville water and light is an arm of he city of McMinnville, then why are we offering to buy 27 acres from them for three million taxpayer dollars? If the city is not a part of water and light then how do they charge a 13 dollar fee on water and light bills?"