Willamina School Board begins superintendent search

A full-scale search is on for Willamina School District Superintendent. The district board decided at its Nov. 13 meeting on a search team to find a replacement for superintendent Carrie Zimbrick, ...

McMinnville school enrollment below expectations

McMinnville School District enrollment was 2.4% below projections as of Nov. 1. When the budget was drawn up last spring, the district projected fall enrollment at 6,553. As of Nov. 1, the district had ...

Starla Pointer/News-Register##As students wave flags and call out “thank you,” veteran Michael McClure walks the halls of Grandhaven Elementary School with his grandchildren, Brooks McBride, a second-grader, and Jensen McBride, a kindergartner.

Grandhaven students thank veterans

Autumn Reynolds, 4, knew why she and other Grandhaven Elementary School students were waving flags Monday morning: they wanted to honor the veterans visiting their school. “Veterans work ...

Rusty Rae/News-Register##The cast of “Treasure Island” rehearses for the production at Patton Middle School. Cast members include, from left, Marlee Sells as Dirk the Pirate, Carly Morris as Jamie, Ayden Elliot as Bill Bones (under the table), and in the rear, pirates Olivia Salazar, Aaliyah Stocker, Lincoln Burwell, Lana Spenner and Ryder Brugger.

Patton students present 'Treasure Island'

Patton Middle School students will perform “Treasure Island” Friday through Sunday, Nov. 17 to 19, on stage at the school, 1175 N.E. 19th St. Shows will be at 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday and ...

McMinnville School Board to meet

McMinnville School Board will meet at 6:30 p.m. Monday in the district office, 800 N.E. Lafayette Ave. In addition to being open to the public, the meeting will be available on Zoom. The agenda includes ...

Rusty Rae/News-Register##Barry Brown, who served in the military from 1969 to 2010, tells Duniway Middle School students about his work as a helicopter pilot. He flew a rescue evacuation chopper in Vietnam and later helped with rescues on Mount Hood.

'Selfless service': Vets exhort Duniway students to think first of others

Speakers told Duniway Middle School students about the importance of selfless service during a Veterans Day assembly Tuesday. Student Kaden Johnson presented a brief history of Veterans Day, which ...

##Miles K. Davis

Linfield President Miles K. Davis announces resignation

Dr. Miles K. Davis announced Thursday he will step down as president of Linfield University. The Linfield community — students, staff and faculty, and Board of Trustees — were informed ...

Rusty Rae/News-Register##At New Energy Works in McMinnville, Kannon Stewart talks to Construction Math students about using a computer to cut and shape large beams so they will fit together on a building site. Students include, back row from left, Orion Sliwka, Andres Rivera and Chaos Coffelt; front from left, Jackson Chytha, Calima Botello and Diana Flores Lopez.

Positive problems: For Mac High math students, real-world field trip adds up

Math not only comes in handy, it’s necessary for many good-paying jobs in the trades, teacher Eric Alexander and several building professionals told McMinnville High School students on a ...

##Brenna Greene

Reporters speak to aspiring journalists about developing story ideas

Be curious. Pay attention to routine things. Use your five senses. Read social and traditional media, public notices, calendars and signs. Talk to friends and other people. All those practices ...

Linfield partners with Chinese school founded by alum

Linfield University is partnering with a school in China that was founded by a Linfield alumnus. Shawn Chen, who graduated from Linfield in 1987, founded Sias University in Zhengzhou, China, in ...

Rusty Rae/News-Register##Aldo Cardenas records the medication he’ll be giving to a “patient” in the medical assisting course. Like many in the class, he plans on a career in health care.

Medical practice: Mac High pairs with Chemeketa to train future health workers

A medical assistant calls her next patient’s name, then leads her into a office to have her vitals checked — weight, height, pulse, oxygen level, blood pressure. The MA checks the patient’s ...

Student statements investigated on Willamina campus

Law enforcement personnel detained a Willamina High School student on the Northeast Oaken Hills Drive campus the morning of Wednesday, Oct. 18, for allegedly making “concerning statements ...

After-school programs will continue in McMinnville, at less ‘robust’ level

McMinnville schools will be able to offer some enrichment and intervention programs after school this year, Superintendent Debbie Brockett told board members last week. Brockett earlier had said the district ...

Linfield students start 'Majestic Tree' contest

Linfield University students are leading an interdisciplinary effort to educate, entertain and inspire their community to appreciate the McMinnville campus’ unique ecosystems with Majestic Tree Week, ...

Starla Pointer/News-Register##Third-grader Natalie Rodriguez pets Minnie Lei as retired teacher Judy Suan walks her service dog through Paige Petersen’s classroom at Willamette Elementary School. Minnie is trained to help her owner remain calm and steady. Suan previously taught at Newby Elementary, where she brought her earlier service dog, Tonka, to classes.

Students meet Minnie, a service dog with special skills

Minnie Lei, a service dog, charmed students at Willamette Elementary School in McMinnville last week. Third-graders said they liked Missie’s owner, former McMinnville teacher Judy Suan, ...

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